Dries Roelvink

Andries (Dries) Roelvink is a Dutch singer. He is also known for various reality series programs with his family. In recent years, Dries has become a TV personality, appearing in, among others, Let’s Dance, Stars dancing on the ice, Stars boxing, Jensen, Your wife my wife, Ranking the Stars, Fifty shades of gray, Tour du Jour, Live for you , RTL late night, Chantal stays the night and DWDD, but he also played the leading role in the feature film: “I love Dries” by producer Tom Six. He has released ten CD albums, two DVDs and thirty-four singles so far, two of which were in English: ‘Two different worlds’ 1996 and ‘The songs a like to sing’ in 2014. And to top it all off, he scored his first number one hit with the title “Only through you”. On February 24, Dries gave an anniversary concert in the Amstelveen theater. A DVD of this 30 years of Dries concert will soon be released. The real life soap De Roelvinkjes, which RTL broadcast in 2015, was very well viewed.




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