

Axim is a 19 year old DJ / Producer.
He currently lives in Spain and he is a proud Belgian.
He prefers to make Tech House and Techno, but dance music in general makes him smile!
This young weapon is just starting its way to the top of
Mountain Dance, brimming with his skills in live mixing and producing his own music.

Axim started his live shows during the Amsterdam Dance Event 2022,
where he was invited by producer CMC$ (Martin Garrix’s In
The Name Of Love) to play at his Pizza Party. Axim also became
invited by DJ/Producer legend Charmes to perform at his own event. Where Axim lined up with superstar DJs like R3wire, Vato Gonzalez and Lady Bee.

For now, Axim focuses on releasing music on dance labels and working on his authentic sound and delivery.
His dedication will fill the blanks in this biography within a year
filling up. This makes Axim the emerging artist of 2023.


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